Set Wide Net Event Documentation
Events have two parts, a name followed by data. Here's a list of currently implemented event names for Automated Props:
- Button - normally just has 'clicked' as data
- Switch - normally has STATE as data - this is an event that is tracked by the server - see 'Recall'
- State - 0/1 (read)
- Recall - this is a special case, sent by the server to catch state of props that have been offline
- Encoder - data may have position and or delta
- Position - the current position of the encoder
- Delta - the change in position since the last event
- Counter - this has a rich dataset, refer to module reference
- stop - stop the counter, hold current vali=ue
- start - start the counter in Direction from the current value
- direction 1/-1 - increment up or down
- steps - the amount to increment or decrement the counter by
- goto - set the current value
- clear - empty the display but keep current value
- jitter - introduce a specified range of randomness to the count time
- glitch - 1/2 create glitchiness, 2 is more glitchy than 1
- hexmode - display the value in Hex (for TM1637 driven counters)
- text - attempt to show text on a seven segment display
- brightness 0..7 - set brightness levels on TM1637 driven counters
- random_start (with random_end) - use values to display a random number between the given values
- stop_value_down - when decrementing stop at this value
- stop_value_up - when incrementing stop at this value
- Clock - this handles time but has a rich dataset - refer to reference
- datetime - goto this time
- start - start the clock
- stop - stop the clock
- reset - stop the clock and assume both hands are at the zero position
- rate - effectivily a multiplier od seconds, 10 would be running 10x faster than real time
- position - goto this position, measured in stepper motor steps
- nudge - nudge the stepper motor for the defined hand and set this position as the new zero
- sleep - remove holding current from stepper motor
- wake - enable holding current to stepper motor
- SceneTime - data for the date and time of the scene - consumed by some displays
- DMX - this has a rich data set of DMX commands including fade tasks
- fade (time_int) channel, value, steps - fade a channel to value in steps over time
- sequence (list of sequence definitions) - run this list until another command arrives
- HBridge - handles direction and some PWM values, assuming a motor is connected
- direction 1/-1 - forward/reverse
- speed (num) frequency of PWM
- brake - attempt to hold position for motors that support this
- targetspeed - attempt to hold at this speed in pulses per second
- distance - attempt to move distance in steps - assumes a Hall effect device is measuring the actual steps
- report - generate an event with current distance as payload
- LinAct - handles direction for linear actuators
- stop - stop whatever motion is happening
- push - push
- pull - pull
- LED - this has more than you'd expect, it can handle sequences for example
- duty - 0-65353 set the duty cycle of the PWM, which is typically at 5kHz
- glitch (duty,[rate]) - glitch towards duty at rate
- rate - set the rate of PWM fading
- sequence (list of sequence definitions) - execute this sequence until another event arrives
- stop - stop any sequence or fade currently running
- Backlight - similar to LED
- Pulse - this has a rich dataset for colour, speed, frequency, static colour, fadeout etc.
- stop - stop any sequence
- start - start any registered pattern or static colour
- color (R,G,B) - register a color to be used in a pulsing pattern
- static (R,G,B) - all pixels to this color
- factor (int) - the amount of color to be used
- steps (int) - number of steps in a pulse
- freq (int) - the speed in Hz to index through steps
- probability (value) - the likelihood of something happening
- computer - a particular mode of pulse
- Meter - data contains value, title, units etc.
- calibrate - go past the zero position, intends to set the zero position for steppers with endstops
- position (0..100) - goto a position that is 0-100 of full scale deflection
- damping (0-5000+) - apply dampening as the needle approaches its target position
- Indicator - this is a simple object with text, subtext and colour
- indtext - the indicated text
- legendtext - the legend text
- bezel - the colour of the bezel
- Layer - this is used as an instruction to a layered SVG graphic
- layerName 0/1 - the layer to be made visible or hidden
- Stepper - this is for stepper motors - see module reference since several types are supported
- target - the position to goto, in stepper steps
- position - see Meter above
- calibrate - go past the zero position, intends to set the zero position for steppers with endstops
- sleep - remove holding current from stepper motor
- wake - enable holding current to stepper motor
- damping - set Meter above, only available on X27 like motor classes
- Nidec - this is a stepper motor and encoder combined - see reference NB: there are still some Gribley events about
- This needs a good TODO, basically an older implementation at this point
- Screebly - this generally tells a Screebly to goto a particulary URL
- url - the URL to goto
- UINum hidden/visible - control visibility of elements of the UI
- Recall - this is a special case, any prop that implements recall will re-issue events that have state on receipt of a Recall event
- Servo - data for position and speed
- position - the position to goto
- UI - data for HTML div to be 'hidden' or 'visible' could also contain any DOM property
- Battery - data for state and thresholds batteries running Prop Modules
- Heartbeat - network data for a Prop Module, will contain battery information if one is present
- mac - MAC address
- ip - IP address
- volts - battery volts or 'USB' if USB powered
- lowvolts - what is low volts for this device
- maxvolts - what would be fully charged for this device
- subscribedevents - what event names this device will listen for
- Compass - data for SVG representation of a Compass
- ArtHorizon - data for the as yet incomplete Artificial Horizon SVG UI element
- NOTFS - data for a notification object
- Sequence - a server only event that will trigger a named Sequence of events
- Simulation - a flexible event to pass data to a simulation script (which may or may not run on the server)
- RefreshRules - a server only event that causes the server to read the current version of Event mapping Rules
- URL - a server only event, asks the server to call a URL
There are also some special events that are not normally seen by the server:
- local - this is an event that never leaves a Prop module, typically used for Network and Calibration notifications.
VLC - send events to a VLC video player instance