Internet Demo

You can see the Set Wide Net working for yourself. Open some of the Fixed Gribbley pages on another machine or a separate windows. You'll be able to control them from here.

You need to be aware that this is a global demo - other people can use it at the same time. If you need a personal demo or 'VPAAS' (Virtual Props As A Service) please get in touch.

On the hour the services are restarted which means that you'll need to reload any pages that you were using.

If you messages streaming in the lower box - all is well.


Rest Sequence
Start-up Sequence
Alarm Sequence
Sequence 1648
Sequence 1648 Hold

Slider Demo - This works with the 'BigGauge' page

Not Set

Global UI Events

Hide UI1
Show UI1
Hide UI2
Show UI2

Gribbley1 Events

Counter Signage
Helix Demo
Gribbley Pattern
SVG Gauges
SVG Clock
Big Gauge
Reload UI

Gribbley2 Events

Counter Signage
Helix Demo
Gribbley Pattern
SVG Gauges
SVG Clock
Big Gauge
Reload UI

Gribbley3 Events

Counter Signage
Helix Demo
Gribbley Pattern
SVG Gauges
SVG Clock
Big Gauge
Reload UI

Gribbley4 Events

Counter Signage
Helix Demo
Gribbley Pattern
SVG Gauges
SVG Clock
Big Gauge
Reload UI

Clock Events

Date Time Fri Feb 02 2034 16:47:00
UTC Clock 1
Stop Clock1
Start Clock1
SetCounter 'RUN'
SetCounter 'SEARCH'
Count FORWARD at 2000
Count FORWARD at 4761
Count REVERSE at 4761 10x rate
Stop Counter
Count FORWARD at Current
Count REVERSE at Current
Step 10 FORWARD at Current
Step 10 REVERSE at Current
Server Messages - these are procedural, you'll see a stream here if the services are connected