Fixed Pages for Web Browsers or Gribbleys (Screebleys)

Starting Pages

These pages show a display and set the ID (swnID) cookie. Once you've visited one of these pages you can use the 'Demo Menu' to send events to the page. The page will respond to the events and display the results.

Gribbley1 Starting Page for Gribbley1 If visited sets the identity of the page to Gribbley1
Gribbley2 Starting Page for Gribbley2 If visited sets the identity of the page to Gribbley2
Gribbley3 Starting Page for Gribbley3 If visited sets the identity of the page to Gribbley3
Gribbley4 Starting Page for Gribbley4 If visited sets the identity of the page to Gribbley4

Invidual Pages

These pages are designed to be used with the 'Demo Menu' to send events to the page. But you visit them anyway. If you've not visited a starting page, the page will display a default identity.

Display Digital Clock Digital Clock Preseves Identity
Display Helix Helix Preseves Identity
Display Gauges Gauges Preseves Identity
Display SVG Clock SVG Clock Preseves Identity
Speedometer controlled by slider SVG Speedometer Preseves Identity