Pulsing Props turn up all over the cinematic world. We've built 'shader' drivers for NeoPixel strings. Here's a video:
Here's a section of the test page for this prop:
In JSON terms they look like this:
{'e':'Pulse1', 'd':'stop'} // stop
{'e':'Pulse1', 'd':'start'} // start
{'e':'Pulse1', 'd':{'color' : [32,0,12]}} // Low Purple
{'e':'Pulse1', 'd':{'freq' : 96}} // updates per second
{'e':'Pulse1', 'd':{'steps' : 48}} // number of steps used in shader
This is example is the Pulse Module delivering a random colour choice from six colours. Its certainly a 'retro' look, but it can be used for a lot of visualisations. Essentially it shows you that the Pulse Module has a degree of flexibility.