
Our consultancy service is available to help you realise your vision. We can help you with the design of your props, the electronics and software that will make them work and the integration of the props into your set.

We get it, a combination of Wifi, Websockets, Events, HTML design and all the parts that go with these can seem complex. Of course we try to keep it simple by using the best tech solution for each of the challenges. However, for you, its about what's on the screen, how it looks and how it fits into your narrative. We can help you with that, you can get on with the artwork and we'll make sure it gets automated.

PCB Module:

TM1637 Driver Board


Here's an example of a phyiscal 'Pulse' prop - click for pulse prop, this has a module that drives the neopixels and we 3D printed the artwork. You can create artwork and we'll do the work of physically integrated the modules and then create the events that fit in with your script.

We've a range of simple devices (ScreeblyHD) that simply velcro to computer monitors and conect to the HDMI port. This means that a room full of computers can be realised without the cost of hiring actual PCs and the effort setting them up with appropriate content.

If you need that content, its essentially a web page that listens for events and then changes the display accordingly. We can help you with that with both HTML and SVG design work. SVG is particularly useful for creating gauges and dials that can be animated and respond to events. In fact your art department can create the artwork and we can animate it for you.


If you need your set and props to react to both the actors and the script, then you might need a simulation set up. We'll write the code that listens to events coming from the props and creates new events to activate other props and even lighting.

Wet Hire

Wet hire is where we provide the props and the technical support. We'll deliver the props, set them up and make sure they work. We'll be on hand to make sure they keep working and we'll take them away at the end of the shoot.