Physical Props - Displays

There are so many different types of screen available. The 'Screebley' has a HDMI output which supports up to 1920x1080 resolution. The Screebley4K does what it says.

In terms of development you can consider that the 'Screenbly' displays a web page on the display and listens for events:

Screenbley Velcro on Display

Here some example events:

        {'e':'Gribbley1','d':'goto','u':'/swn/svg-gauges' }  // go to the SVG gauges page
        {'e':'Gribbley1','d':'UI1','u':'hide' }              // hide the first UI element
        {'e':'Gribbley1','d':'UI2','u':'show' }              // show the second UI element
        {'e':'Gribbley1', 'd':'Reload'}                      // reload the page