Physical Props

This Prop contains a number of modules working together. A NIDEC motor drives the handle rotation, there's a LCD module that displays the gauge and state. A button module reads the buttons and can generate events for the other modules. In the background you'll see a 'Pulse Prop'.

In the video you'll see that the modules and Props are synchronised together. Essentially one 'Button' event triggers the combined Airlock modules to operate, once the Handle has moved it emits another event which then triggers the timed sequence you see the 'Pulse Prop' running.

It's not shown, but the buttons on the 'Airlock' prop work, it was easier for the video to trigger them over the 'Set Wide Net'


Since networking delivers two way communication, it's a opportunity for each physical automated Prop to emit a regular heartbeat.

This gives the crew confidence that the Props they expect are present, and if they are battery powered, how much power is remaining.

Heartbeat Display


We're in the process of creating the videos of each of these categories.

Here we break down each physical component